
Installing OpenCV on RPi in 2024
3 minutes
Introduction Between all the various tutorials online, there is no straight way to installing OpenCV on a RPI… Issue’s I have encountered personally include but are not limited to the following: Building from source issues Various rare errors Garbage tutorials So in this simple guide, I have documented my installation of OpenCV on my Raspberry Pi, Model 3 B+ Other models should be quite similar. Requirements For this project, I used a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running Ubuntu Server 20.
AI Meets the Deep: Our Journey to 3rd Place in the 2024 Exploration Challenge
4 minutes
With the annual MATE ROV competition all finished up, Sunk Robotics placed 3rd worldwide in terms of robotics, and 9th overall including the marketing and advertising campaigns. A good run indeed. Our robot performed well, although reliability is our priority for next year’s attempt. A New Competition Although MATE ROV offers its well-known underwater competition, there are other events they host as well. This year, Matty Harris and I undertook a secondary challenge, known as the 2024 Ocean Exploration Video Challenge (OER) where teams must create custom Artificial Intelligence models that can be used to identify underwater species from a provided video.